Swansea Labour help to put on ‘biggest’ Christmas parade yet
Swansea Labour were delighted to be able to help provide a spectacular Christmas parade enjoyed by 1,000s of residents and visitors.
The free Swansea Council event featured a vibrant mix of local community groups, spectacular professional entertainers, marching bands, magical floats, colourful film characters and festive inflatables.
Santa was there too, switching on the improved and expanded city centre Christmas lights financed by the Labour-led administration.
Labour Cllr Robert Francis-Davies, Council cabinet member, said: "The Christmas countdown for Swansea really did start on Sunday night! This year's parade - another free event provided by the Labour-led council - was another great spectacle.
"It was probably Swansea's biggest ever Christmas parade - and probably attracted the biggest crowd ever for this popular event. It was hugely well received by those who attended."
The Polar Express
The parade was previously staged - to huge public acclaim - in 2019. With pandemic restrictions being gradually eased, event organisers at the council planned carefully for last night.
Held in line with current guidance to ensure that people were kept as safe as possible, the council asked people to spread out as much as possible along the route and to stay away if feeling unwell.
Other festive attractions to be organised by the Labour council will help make this a fun-filled Swansea season.
More: www.swanseachristmas.com