
My Pledges -
Invest in our homes: Work with residents to resolve cladding and tenancy issues
Keep our streets clean & Improve our environment: Improve maintenance and street cleaning. Promote and protect greens paces!
Address community safety concerns: Work with the police and Council to promote road safety, reduce speeding and tackle anti-social behaviour
Building a better Swansea: Ensure new developments work for residents
Be visible, responsive and accessible to all residents: Keep you all up to date with regular surgeries, newsletters and community events
A bit about me …
As a local resident, I’ve been busy cleaning up Waterfront and organising graffiti removal days. I’m delighted that a dedicated cleaning operative has been agreed to tackle graffiti, street clean and look after our community.
I’ve been chasing up the section 106 money for SA1. I am delighted to confirm a £1million investment in a new play park off Langdon Road. It took months to locate this money. I can’t wait for it to become a reality.
Your Waterfront Labour representative is
Adam Gilbert
Phone - 07717793890
Email - Adam4waterfront@gmail.com