West Cross
Your West Cross Labour Councillors - working for you
Our Pledges -
Sport and recreation facilities for young people : we are fully committed to the skatepark at Llwynderw and other facilities for younger people such as basketball and netball courts, and improving what's on offer in our parks
Safer streets : we will work with local police and residents to tackle antisocial behaviour and speeding in the ward, making the area safer, particularly for pedestrians
Businesses at the heart of our community : we will promote and support our local businesses and encourage footfall by developing pleasant community spaces to socialise around the top shops and bottom shops
Greener, cleaner West Cross : we will take climate action locally, protecting and enhancing our green spaces, supporting Plastic Free Mumbles and recycling-on-the-go
Tackling social isolation : we will ensure there are opportunities to meet friends and neighbours and take part in social activities locally, particularly for older people in the ward
A bit about the ward …
West Cross sits on the seafront, leafy woodland, stunning coastline and the countryside a stroll away. The community has grown prolifically since the 1950's with farm land and prefab housing giving way to social and private housing developments. It is home to five of the local primary schools, Grange, Mayals, Whitestone, St David's and YGG Llwynderw. It has two small play parks and a busy community centre.
West Cross has a number of convenience shops, takeaways, a loved local pub and a seafront gastro-pub.
The community has a wide range of needs, particularly regarding affordable local housing for local people - young and old, and many residents require opportunities to access affordable or free services.
Local Labour Councillors worked with churches, community groups and charities to ensure a broad spectrum of the community have been supported during the pandemic.
Your West Cross Labour Team are
Rebecca Fogarty
Phone - 07724 437865
Email - cllr.rebecca.fogarty@swansea.gov.ukAn active member of the community since moving here in 2016, I am Vice Chair of Mumbles Community Council and a Governor at Mayals Primary School. I am active in a local church and volunteer on local environmental projects.
I have varied work experience in the public and charity sectors. I now work in public health so it’s been a busy couple of years for me! I led the local community council response to the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, ensuring all residents had access to essential food and prescriptions.
As a new Mam, you’ll often see me out with the pram. I want all generations in West Cross to enjoy good physical and mental well-being. I believe in involving people and bringing the community together to improve our local area. I’ve enjoyed talking to residents about varied issues, and look forward to meeting you in the near future.
Sara Keeton
Phone -
Email - cllr.sara.keeton@swansea.gov.ukI’m a Mumbles Community Councillor and Chair of the Environmental Committee; also, I chair West Cross Community Centre Management Committee. I'm a School Governor at The Grange and YGG Llwynderw.
Living in West Cross nearly all my life, I've spent many years raising my family here. I have volunteered at local schools and with mental health and learning disability organisations over the years. I ran a business with my husband and my current work places me in the heart of the community.
I love West Cross and want it to remain a safe and fun place to be, to grow up and to grow older! Our fabulous community benefits from Mumbles and Gower being so close and still has strong links with the rest of Swansea. I want more opportunities for our residents to enjoy being part of what's on offer and to create more local interest groups, clubs and socials.