Your Llwchwr Labour Councillors - working for you
Our Pledges -
Keeping our area tidy: Introduce a dedicated operative for Llwchwr to keep the ward clean and tidy
Bringing our community together: Provide a programme of events and activities across Llwchwr throughout the year
Play equipment and Parks: New and upgraded children's play areas in Garden Village, Kingsbridge and Loughor, making play equipment more accessible and appropriate for all ages
Managing waste: Review the placement of current waste bins across the ward and target hot spot areas
Standing up for Llwchwr: We will hold monthly surgeries and regular street surgeries to keep in touch with local residents
A bit about the ward …
Loughor’s history can be traced to the Roman fort of Leucarum, over which the Norman Loughor Castle was built in 1106. Neighbouring Garn goch was the location for the famous battle of 1136 won by a Welsh army led bt Hywel ap Maredydd.
Upper Loughor and Kingsbridge evolved from small hamlets during the nineteenth century as people flocked into the area to work in the coal mines and steel and tinplate works which had become the backbone of the local economy by the 1880s and made the area a centre of export-orientated, international trade in both coal and tinplate. Loughor Welfare Hall was originally funded by the Miners’ Welfare Scheme while Parc Williams was donated by J. C. Williams and family, American industrialists who hailed from the area. Loughor was the centre of the religious revival of 1904-05 led by Evan Roberts and Sidney Evans and the events are commemorated locally at Moriah chapel in Glebe Road and at Pisgah in Bryn y mor Road.
The rapid influx of population continued into the twentieth century and led to the establishment of the original Garden Village built on co-partnership principles, inspired by Ebenezer Howard’s Garden Cities movement.
In recent times Llwchwr has evolved primarily a residential area with a population of around 9,000 inhabitants. The whole locality is served by Llwchwr Town Council who maintain the Loughor Welfare Hall. Four primary schools are located in Llwchwr and most learners from the area access their secondary education either at Penyrheol Comprehensive School or Ysgol Gyfun Gŵyr.
Local clubs are an established part of grass roots sport and have enjoyed considerable success in their own right as well as providing the nurturing ground for many talented players including several who have gone on to international stardom.
Your Llwchwr Labour Councillors are
Robert Smith
Phone - 07896 486726
Email - cllr.robert.smith@swansea.gov.ukRobert is an experienced Town and County Councillor and governor of two local schools. A graduate of Swansea University where he gained a BA and then a PhD, Robert worked for the University of Wales and then as Head of Evaluation in Wales for an educational organisation.
Mae Robert yn gynghorydd profiadol iawn sydd wedi gwasanaethu ar y Cyngor Tref a’r Cyngor Sir ac fel llywodraethwr ar ddwy ysgol. Yn raddedig o Brifysgol Abertawe, gweithiodd i Brifysgol Cymru ac fel Pennaeth Gwerthuso yng Nghymru ar gyfer sefydliad addysgol yn y DG.
Kelly Roberts
Phone - 07791 832172
Email - cllr.kelly.roberts@swansea.gov.ukKelly is a public policy lecturer at Swansea University with a degree in social policy followed by a masters and recently submitted her PhD. Since becoming a Town Councillor in 2015 and County Councillor in 2017, she has worked tirelessly for her locality and is honoured to represent residents on local issues.
Mae Kelly yn ddarlithydd mewn polisi cyhoeddus ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe. Mae ganddi radd mewn polisi cymdeithasol a gradd meistr ac yn ddiweddar cyflwynodd ei thraethawd PhD. Ers dod yn Gynghorydd Tref yn 2015 a Chynghorydd Sir yn 2017, gweithiodd yn ddiflino dros ei chymuned ac mae'n ei ystyried yn anrhydedd i gynrychioli trigolion ar faterion lleol
Adam Davis
Phone -
Email - cllr.adam.davis@swansea.gov.ukAdam is an active campaigner and Town Councillor. He studied for his A Levels at Gorseinon College before graduating from Swansea University in 2014 and has experience working in political campaigning and communications.
Mae Adam yn ymgyrchydd gweithgar ar garreg y drws ac yn Gynghorwr Tref. Astudiodd ar gyfer ei Lefel A yng Ngholeg Gorseinon cyn graddio o Brifysgol Abertawe yn 2014 ac mae ganddo brofiad o weithio ym maes ymgyrchu a chyfathrebu gwleidyddol.