Townhill, Mayhill & Gors
Your ward Labour Councillors - working for you
Cyril Anderson, Lesley Walton and David Hopkins
Our Pledges -
Better Housing : continue to work closely with the district housing office staff to ensure that we improve our council stock further to all the upgrades made in achieving the Welsh Housing Quality Standard
A Safer Community : Build on the good working relationship we now have with the local police and PCSOs
Carry on being available all year round : to help sort out resident’s concerns, by phone, email, Facebook, face to face and regular Street Surgeries
A Safer Community : Help out with both community litter picks and those we organise ourselves to encourage others to care more about the environment
Standing up for Townhill : Be there to represent the ward and stand up for our residents whenever we take part attending councils meetings
We always follow up on anything that our constituents raise, and try our best to resolve the issue.
We have restarted face to face surgeries linking up with Cuppa with a Copper sessions so please see dates under Upcoming events below
A bit about the ward …
Townhill ward is located above the city centre, often known collectively as ‘the Hill’, although some on the ‘other side of the hill’ identify with Gors or Cockett. But in every area there is a strong close-knit community spirit. Despite the impact of right-to-buy, over half the properties remain local authority housing, and the council is proud to have renovated all its stock to the Welsh Quality Housing Standard. Further housing is planned on the former Townhill Swansea Institute site.
It has two community primary schools, Townhill & Seaview, which feed into Dylan Thomas in Cockett ward. It also has three community centres, Gors, Mayhill, and Townhill, with the Phoenix Centre serving as an important community hub, and now boasts a state of the art health centre, Mountain View. Like many wards across Swansea it has a number of play areas, most recent addition being brand new facilities for children of all ages on Mayhill Park.
Your Townhill Labour Councillors are
Cyril Anderson
Phone - 01792 526489
Email - cllr.cyril.anderson@swansea.gov.ukCyril, elected May 2015, is Swansea born & bred with strong roots in the ward. He is a school governor on both Seaview & Townhill primary schools, and he works closely with community & charity groups, and is very vocal when it comes to speaking out on behalf of local Issues.
He is very keen on providing opportunities for children, such as the new play areas that have been constructed at Mayhill Park. But he is equally keen to help support the elderly and the vulnerable, and has always been actively involved in TOPIC House, the Older People's Information Centre.
He chairs the Economy, Environment & Infrastructure Policy Development Committee which helps to achieve the aims of the council.
Cyril has been an activist in the Labour Party for well over 15 years, and a union man for many years, and is married.
David Hopkins
Phone - 01792 655956
Email - cllr.david.hopkins@swansea.gov.ukDavid, who is also Swansea born & bred, has been a councillor representing this ward for over 30 years and is well known across the ward. He served as the Lord Mayor of Swansea for 16-17, and now shares the demanding roles of both Deputy Leader, as well as being the Cabinet Member for Delivery.
He is also currently governor at Townhill primary school. He has always dealt with ward issues as a priority and works hard behind the scenes to get things done, such as securing additional funding to replace the All Weather Pitch at the Phoenix Centre, and ensure funding for the construction of the new play areas on Mayhill Park.
He has been a member of the Labour Party for over 40 years, and a member of Unite union. David is married with 3 three grown up children and three grandchildren.
Lesley Walton
Phone - 07503702327
Email - cllr.lesley.walton@swansea.gov.ukLesley got elected in 2012 and has been a school governor ever since, at Seaview Primary and currently at Dylan Thomas Community School. Knowing the issues which face the ward she is keen to promote the local Swansea Bay Credit Union, where members can borrow at a reasonable interest, & save money.
She has also been particularly involved in the setting up of the Friends of Mayhill Washing Lake & Community Food Garden, to address flytipping issues and provide communal food.
As Diversity Champion she speaks up at committee meetings, on social media, and uses her house front window to promote events. She is looking forward to helping Swansea become a Human Rights City.
She has been a Labour Party & union member, currently Unite, for over 35 years. Lesley is married with two cats, and runs her own design & print business.