Swansea Labour urge hard-pressed families to apply for winter fuel payments to ease Tory cost of living crisis
Swansea Labour is urging thousands of city families to apply for their winter fuel support payments in an attempt to offset the Tory cost of living crisis.
That is after the Welsh Government doubled to £200 the amount it will pay to eligible applicants.
It’s been estimated around 30,000 households in Swansea can claim the payment to help deal with the spiralling costs of on-grid gas and electricity this winter.
The Welsh Government’s decision means that anyone who has already been paid an initial £100 towards their fuel bills will get another £100 automatically and will not need to apply again. The Council aims to make the £100 top up payment in the next two weeks.
But anyone who hasn’t sought the payment from the Winter Fuel Support Scheme and believes they are eligible should apply before the scheme closes on February 28.
Labour Cllr Rob Stewart, Leader of Swansea Council, said bill-payers can make online applications for the payment now on the Council’s website and those eligible for the grant would be paid as quickly as possible. Almost 11,000 residents have already taken advantage of the scheme.
He said: “We all know that winter is the toughest time for fuel bills and this year the challenge for hard-pressed, hard-working families has been even greater due to the overall increase in the cost of fuel.
“That’s why we are pulling out all the stops to ensure that successful applicants will get paid as quickly as possible to help them deal with the cost of living squeeze.
“Families should never be in a position where they have to choose between paying soaring fuel bills or putting food on the table, especially during the winter.
“It’s vital that people apply for the grant. If they don’t, it can’t be paid.”
Cllr Stewart said: “Throughout the pandemic Swansea Labour-led Council has been here for the people of Swansea, side-by-side with businesses, communities and families, supporting them through these unprecedented times.
“The Winter Fuel Support Payment will be a real lifeline to families struggling to make ends meet and we’d encourage those who believe they are eligible to put in their application as soon as possible."
“Families should never be in a position where they have to choose between paying soaring fuel bills or putting food on the table, especially during the winter.”
Under the scheme, households eligible to apply are those where the person who has to pay for the on-grid fuel for their home, or their partner, is entitled to Income Support, Income-Based Job Seekers’ Allowance, Universal Credit, Working Tax Credits or Income-Related Employment and Support allowance at any time between 1st December 2021 and 31st January 2022.
Applications for the payment must be made by midnight on February 28 although anyone who has already received the original £100 payment will be automatically sent a second top up payment of £100 and need not apply again.
The online application form is on the council's website www.swansea.gov.uk/winterfuelsupport.
Anyone who is eligible to apply for a Winter Fuel Support Payment, whether they are sent an invitation to claim the payment or not, can use it.
There’s more information about the Winter Fuel Support Payment, including FAQs, here: www.swansea.gov.uk/winterfuelsupport